{"version":3,"file":"component---src-pages-about-js-06f109dbf8c9ccf854b0.js","mappings":"gLAUMA,EAAY,SAAC,EAAUC,GAAc,IAAtBC,EAAqB,EAArBA,KACbC,EAAYD,EAAKE,KAAKC,aAAaC,MAEzC,OACE,gBAAC,IAAD,CAAQA,MAAOH,GACb,gBAAC,IAAD,CACEG,MAAM,QACNC,SAAU,CAAC,aAAD,2OAoBZ,2BAASC,UAAU,uCACjB,uBAAKA,UAAU,qBACb,sBAAIC,GAAG,wGAAP,+CAGA,0BAAQD,UAAU,uCAChB,gBAAC,EAAAE,EAAD,CACEC,MAAOT,EAAKU,gBAAgBC,gBAAgBC,gBAC5CN,UAAU,aAEZ,kFAEF,sBAAIC,GAAG,kBAAP,oBAEA,2ZAEA,8eAEA,ubAEA,2UAEA,sOAsBV,mBAAeM,GAAK,OAClB,gBAAC,EAAAC,YAAD,CACEC,MAjBY,aAkBZC,OAAQ,SAAAhB,GAAI,OACV,gBAACF,EAAD,eAAWC,SAAUc,EAAMd,SAAUC,KAAMA,GAAUa","sources":["webpack://gatsby-london/./src/pages/about.js"],"sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\"\r\nimport { graphql, StaticQuery } from \"gatsby\"\r\nimport { GatsbyImage } from \"gatsby-plugin-image\"\r\n\r\nimport Layout from \"../components/layout\"\r\nimport SEO from \"../components/seo\"\r\n\r\nimport \"../utils/normalize.css\"\r\nimport \"../utils/css/screen.css\"\r\n\r\nconst AboutPage = ({ data }, location) => {\r\n const siteTitle = data.site.siteMetadata.title\r\n\r\n return (\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n

\r\n Fusing Organic Forms with Digital Precision\r\n

\r\n \r\n
Assembling \"Pine Stone\" Six Petal Sculpture

About the Artist


Herschel Shapiro is the creator of \"Organic Precision,\" a style that merges the mathematical beauty of nature with the exactitude of modern digital fabrication techniques. His work explores the eternal patterns and dynamic flows found in the natural world—such as the spirals of a seashell or the vertices of a whirlwind—patterns that have shaped both art and science for millennia.


Central to Herschel's approach is the synthesis of collections of elements with organic shapes, carefully combined to form intricate patterns. Each piece he creates is not just a collection of parts, but a cohesive whole that transcends its individual components, revealing a deeper connection between the elements. This interplay between structure and dynamic flow is at the heart of his sculptures, where the whole truly becomes greater than the sum of its parts.


Using advanced 3D printing technology, Herschel captures the timeless elegance of natural patterns, including the complex flows of vector fields, creating forms that can only be realized through the meticulous processes of digital design and fabrication. His art delves into the profound mathematical truths of nature, brought to life in three-dimensional forms that embody both precision and organic fluidity.


Herschel's dedication to innovation drives him to constantly push the boundaries of what can be achieved with contemporary materials and techniques. His sculptures are as durable and sustainable as they are visually stunning, reflecting a commitment to bridging the gap between tradition and modernity.


Through his work, Herschel invites viewers to engage with the world in a new way, seeing the intersection of technology, nature, and flow as complementary forces that reveal deeper, eternal truths.

\r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst indexQuery = graphql`\r\n query {\r\n site {\r\n siteMetadata {\r\n title\r\n }\r\n }\r\n benchAccounting: file(relativePath: { eq: \"herschel.jpg\" }) {\r\n childImageSharp {\r\n gatsbyImageData(layout: CONSTRAINED, width: 1360)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n`\r\n\r\nexport default props => (\r\n (\r\n \r\n )}\r\n />\r\n)\r\n"],"names":["AboutPage","location","data","siteTitle","site","siteMetadata","title","keywords","className","id","G","image","benchAccounting","childImageSharp","gatsbyImageData","props","StaticQuery","query","render"],"sourceRoot":""}